About the author  ⁄ Mersedeh Akhoondan, Ph.D.

Dr. Akhoondan is a Corrosion EIT with HDR Engineering. She specializes in environmental compatibility of concrete reinforcing alloys and durability forecasting of infrastructures. She has designed and managed corrosion testing programs and performed failure analysis and metallographic evaluations of metal components.

Fasteners are typically low cost items; however, their failures may result in catastrophic and costly consequences. A recent case of bolt failure that has received enormous media attention was associated with the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, the second busiest bridge in the nation. While investigations continue on the primary causes of bolt failures, corrosion was recognized as the foremost contributor. Corrosion is a naturally occurring phenomenon, the direct cost for which is a staggering $558 billion in the U.S. – approximately 3.1% of the U.S. GDP (2015).

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