About the author  ⁄ Meghana Joshi

Meghana Joshi is a Senior Project Manager with Little Diversified Architectural Consulting in Newport Beach, CA. (meghana.joshi@littleonline.com)

Media portrayal of artificial intelligence has been all about a dystopian future and robots. Artificial intelligence was once deemed a figment of scientific imagination, only seen in the characters of futuristic fiction movies. But, as time passed, theoretical and technological developments in computation have normalized artificial intelligence, whether it is Alexa playing your favorite podcasts, Nest fine-tuning your optimal comfort zone, or Siri responding to your questions. Workplace advancements in the AEC profession saw their beginnings with BIM. Still, we have come to realize that revolutionizing the way we draw barely scratches the potential of artificial intelligence in our industry.

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STRUCTURE magazine