About the author  ⁄ Junlin Xu

Junlin Xu is the President of Computations & Graphics, Inc. and the author of the Real3D structural analysis program (junlin_xu@cg-inc.com).

Numbers in computers can only be represented by a fixed number of digits. The predominant number type in Finite Element Method (FEM) software packages is Double-Precision, which is 8 bytes in size. This gives about 15 digits of accuracy. However, during the solution of FEM equations, numerical difficulties or errors may be encountered in certain modeling scenarios due to truncation and round-off errors. The introduction of the Quad-Precision number type, 16 bytes in size providing about a 34-digit accuracy, can reduce FEM solution errors. The author presents a few examples to illustrate the differences in using Double Precision and Quad Precision numbers.

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STRUCTURE magazine