About the author  ⁄ Heather Anesta, P.E., M.S., LEED AP

Heather Anesta, P.E., M.S., LEED AP, is an Associate Structural Engineer & Project Manager at Stantec, the Chair of the NCSEA YMG Support Committee, Membership Chair for FSEA, and a volunteer with ACE Mentorship. Please feel free to reach her via email at heather.anesta@stantec.com.

As our careers have developed over time, most of us can think back to that special engineer or two that spearheaded our development as structural engineers. That special bond between mentor and mentee began in an informal fashion, and it wasn’t until later in our careers that the value of that relationship was recognized. At NCSEA, we believe relationships like these strengthen the careers of those involved and significantly increase the value of participating in our organization.

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STRUCTURE magazine