About the author  ⁄ Greg Cuetara, P.E., S.E.

Greg Cuetara, P.E., S.E. (greg.cuetara@stantec.com), is a senior structural engineer with the power group of Stantec Consulting Inc. in Scarborough, Maine. He is the current president of the Structural Engineers Association of Maine (SEAM), serves as the SEAM Delegate to NCSEA, and is a member of the NCSEA Licensing Committee.

As engineers, we have a great deal of black and white in our world. We have been trained to define a problem and come up with a solution. Does a structure have the capacity we need, or not? How do the capacities compare to the imposed loads? We use “engineering judgment” grounded in our knowledge and experience to determine whether a structure is safe; but, even with this information, we are using defined skills. It can be difficult to see that there is also a lot of gray area in engineering.

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STRUCTURE magazine