About the author  ⁄ Edward Major II, E.I.T.

Edward Major II (ejmajor629@gmail.com) is a structural engineer in Pittsburgh, PA. He is active within several professional organizations including the NCSEA Structural Licensure Committee and the Pittsburgh Section of ASCE.

Being a young engineer can seem incredibly daunting. You are surrounded by professionals who tell you “that is not how I did it when I was in your position.” While I have several years until I can obtain my P.E. license, many of my coworkers and supervisors have their professional licenses. They recognize that, as a young engineer, I have a lot to learn. They have been exceptional at teaching me through involvement on projects and inclusion in conversations. When not in the office, though, I expand my knowledge base with my involvement in professional societies such as ASCE and NCSEA, and their respective young member groups.

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Thoughts from an E.I.T.

I believe engineering is one of the most important professions in a civilized society. Similar to the way the public relies on medical professionals to keep us healthy and to prevent injury and illness, the public relies on the professional engineer to design safe structures and equipment. Engineers improve the lives of people across the globe. We wake up to an alarm clock (electrical engineer). We take a car, bus, train, or bike (mechanical engineer) on highways, over bridges, and through tunnels (civil engineer).

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STRUCTURE magazine