About the author  ⁄ Demi Fang

Demi Fang is a Ph.D. candidate in Building Technology at MIT’s Department of Architecture. (dfang@mit.edu)

The climate crisis has shifted priorities in all sectors. For structural engineers, improving performance, such as reducing emissions embodied in structural materials, can improve low-carbon building design. Parametric design can enhance current structural design methods by enabling designers to more readily explore the design space, the space of available design solutions, and optimize within it for single or multiple objectives. This exploration can reveal high-performance or optimal structural solutions that may otherwise have been overlooked. While many architects have started using parametric design methods in recent years, there are untapped opportunities for structural engineers to use such approaches to enhance collaborations with architects and play a more active role in the design process. This article presents both theoretical background and practical tips for structural engineers to implement parametric design in their work.

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STRUCTURE magazine