Review Category : Structural Testing

Nondestructive and Minimally Invasive Techniques

In a STRUCTURE® article published earlier this year, the author discussed some of the components of a nondestructive evaluation (NDE) program for existing masonry structures, and what types of information could be obtained through such methods. This article aims to elaborate on the procedures and techniques used to investigate existing masonry structures and diagnose potential issues.

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Nondestructive and In -Situ Methods

Owners and designers may find themselves confronted with the task of deciding what to do with an existing masonry building, particularly if there will be a change of use or modifications to the structural system. Part of that decision should include determination of whether the structural system is adequate in its current condition for the building’s intended use, whether minor or extensive repair and retrofit measures are required, or whether the building has deteriorated to a state that it is beyond its usable life.

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STRUCTURE magazine