A draft of the 2022 edition of the AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges (AISC 303) is now available for second public review and comment.
The 2022 edition will include a new chapter that compiles fabrication and erection tolerances, revised criteria for AESS members, and new requirements for contract documents that cannot be omitted as specific instructions to the contrary. It also has expanded guidance on erector means and methods and access holes, preferred material specification, and updated tolerance figures. This is the second public review of this version of the Code, which will be released during the summer of 2022.
The draft will be available as a free download at aisc.org/publicreview between June 1 and June 30, 2021. Printed copies are also available (for a $35 nominal charge) by calling 312.670.5411.
Please submit comments using the form provided online or to Jonathan Tavarez, secretary of the Committee on Code of Standard Practice (tavarez@aisc.org), by June 30, 2021, for consideration.