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Crisis Management

Randy Lewis, CPCU

April 2019

Plan for the Worst

In the event of a crisis, your firm may need to defend itself in both the legal and public relations arenas.

Like any other business sector, the design and construction industry must be prepared to deal with crises such as natural disasters, data breaches, sudden financial setbacks, or even workplace violence. However, the prospect of a project-related crisis, such as a catastrophic failure resulting in an injury or death, is the type of event that keeps A/Es up at night.

If not handled properly, a crisis can inflict real harm on your firm, resulting in business interruption, drawn-out lawsuits, financial loss, and damage to your reputation.

What can you do? Every crisis is unique and comes with its own set of issues; however, there are steps you can take to prepare for, manage, and recover from even the most serious and disruptive events. Here are some suggestions, drawn from “lessons learned” by design professionals. While these steps contemplate a project-related crisis, many apply to all types of emergencies:

Before a Crisis Hits

When Trouble Strikes

You will need to act immediately and simultaneously on several fronts. Many firms are astounded by the speed at which chaos envelops them. Even the most levelheaded person has trouble thinking straight in the midst of a full-blown emergency. Having your crisis management plan and team in place can help you respond quickly and effectively.

During a Lawsuit

When It Is Time to Move Forward

Finally, remember that you can survive a crisis. Many firms have weathered major disasters and come back to thrive. The key is to have a plan, the right resources at the ready, and a dogged determination to endure.■

Crisis Management Resources

Crisis Management Checklist

Policy Highlights – U.S. and Canada

Crisis Management: Mastering the Skills to Prevent Disasters, Harvard Business School Press

Crisis Management: Planning for the Inevitable by Steven Fink Reporting Claims the Right Way, February 2017 Communiqué