STRUCTURE magazine is exclusively published for the practicing structural engineer. As a premier publication of the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA), the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of ASCE, and the Council of American Structural Engineers (CASE) of ACEC, STRUCTURE communicates with every member of the leading structural engineering associations in the U.S. STRUCTURE content is information readers refer to, time and again.
Oversight for the magazine is through an Editorial Board comprised of industry representatives and members of the partnering associations. Every article is reviewed and approved by this Board before publication, adding enormous credibility to every issue. Editorial content in STRUCTURE includes detailed discussions on unique structural solutions, project overviews, technical updates and in-depth code reviews… all designed to keep structural engineers informed and up to date.
STRUCTURE’s content is hands-on information that readers refer to time and again.
Editorial Board
Contact the STRUCTURE editorial board at

John A. Dal Pino, SE
Board Chair
Claremont Engineers
(San Francisco)

Marshall Carman, PE, SE
(Cincinnati, Ohio)

Erin Conaway, PE
American Institute
of Steel Construction
(Littleton, Colorado)

Sarah Evans, PE
Walter P Moore
(Houston, Texas)

Nicholas Lang, PE
(Ashburn, Virginia)

Linda M. Kaplan, PE

Jessica Mandrick,
Gilsanz Murray
Steficek LLP
(New York, NY)

Brian W. Miller
Cast Connex Corporation
(Davis, California)

Evans Mountzouris, PE
(Milford, CT)

Kenneth Ogorzalek, PE, SE
KPFF Consulting Engineers
(San Francisco)

John “Buddy” Showalter, PE
International Code Council
(Washington, D.C.)

Eytan Solomon, PE
(New York, NY))

Jeannette M. Torrents, PE, SE
JVA, Inc.
(Boulder, Colorado)