About the author  ⁄ Scott Walkowicz, P.E.

Scott W. Walkowicz owns Walkowicz Consulting Engineers, in Lansing, Michigan. Scott is a Past President of The Masonry Society (TMS) and is a member of multiple subcommittees within the TMS 402/602 Committee (formerly the Masonry Standards Joint Committee (MSJC)). He can be reached at scott@walkowiczce.com.

Many buildings are partially or wholly clad with stone. There are many aspects of stone anchorage that can, and do, affect the long-term performance of the building envelope and the initial and long-term costs of the envelope and building operation. This article presents critical stone anchorage issues with a focus on anchor and fastener selection and design based on the author’s experience.

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Bracing of masonry walls under construction using the wall’s inherent strength rather than external bracing elements is a newer approach to bracing, and is known as Internal Bracing. It has been successfully applied in numerous projects with short to very tall walls. Bracing, in general, provides life safety for workers and other occupants on the job site, essentially keeping the wall up during construction and long enough to provide time for evacuation during a wind event.

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STRUCTURE magazine