About the author  ⁄ Philip G. Rahrig

Philip G. Rahrig is the Executive Director of the American Galvanizers Association, working in all facets of market development. He is responsible for worldwide coordination of objectives with international organizations with common industry interests. He may be reached at prahrig@galvanizeit.org.

Hot-dip galvanizing provides a cathodic, barrier, and zinc patina protection of structural steel from corrosion. Structural steel put through the hot-dip galvanizing process goes through a series of chemical cleaning steps leading up to the final step of being completely immersed in an 830° F bath of molten zinc.  The heat effect on the steel, the viscosity properties of the cleaning solutions and zinc, and the resultant metallic zinc coating, requires certain design parameters be met to ensure the steel after galvanizing performs precisely as the engineer intends it to.

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STRUCTURE magazine