About the author  ⁄ Mahmut Ekenel, Ph.D., P.E.

Mahmut Ekenel is a Senior Staff Engineer with the International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) (mekenel@icc-es.org).

Compliance Beyond the Code

As the most widely used manufactured material on the globe, concrete is one of the materials that may be considered part of society’s foundation. Concrete can be a highly durable, resilient, and affordable material in the built environment, supporting sustainable, economic, and social development when properly proportioned. In addition, concrete can be molded into nearly any shape at the job site, bringing versatility to construction and making concrete a highly popular construction material.

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3-D Printed Concrete Walls

Advances in construction technology create opportunities using new and innovative methods for the building construction industry, which are fast, efficient, reliable, and cost-effective. One of these methods is three-dimensional (3-D) printing construction technology (also known as additive manufacturing) for the job site construction of 3-D concrete structures. Although 3-D printing technology is not new and has been utilized for small-scale part production since the 1980s, it has found its way most recently into the construction industry and is pushing the boundaries of how engineers view and approach building construction.

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STRUCTURE magazine