Review Category : Professional Liability

A s structural engineers, we have many responsibilities. Our most important responsibility is to hold paramount the safety and health of the public; therefore, our primary focus is on designing sound structures with adequate strength and stability. Another responsibility that we have is to meet the owner’s expectations regarding the performance and durability of his or her structure.

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A Strategic Plan for Design Professionals

Among all the professions, design professionals are unique in that only they hold professional stamps to seal their work product. That seal carries genuine significance. As the Ontario Board of Engineers has stated,

[The engineer’s stamp] assures the document’s recipient that the work meets the standards of professionalism expected of competent, experienced individuals who take personal responsibility for their judgments and decisions.

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While working with design professionals for the past 29 years as a Professional Liability Agent, the author has learned a great deal about the construction observation process. The most important lesson – how structural engineers can improve their construction observation processes to reduce risk and reduce the chance of being involved in litigation. This article examines common issues structural engineers frequently encounter during construction and offers suggestions for improvement.
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STRUCTURE magazine